Sunday, November 20, 2005

Seismic Consequences

Last week, it was discovered that an architect had falsified structural analyses for 20 condominiums and a hotel in the Tokyo area – 13 of which have already been completed. At least four of the buildings might collapse in an earthquake with an intensity of upper 5 on the Japanese scale of seven.
The architect, Hidetsugu Aneha, admitted to falsifying the reports in order to ‘cut costs’. However, none of the developers or other firms connected to the buildings’ design have admitted any knowledge. The phony numbers were discovered during an in-house inspection by eHomes Inc., the firm which had originally certified Aneha's construction applications for the local governments.
Some shocked residents of the buildings are reportedly making plans to move out as soon as possible. Government agencies have been flooded with calls from other concerned tenants. Keio Presso Inn Co., which operates seven business hotels in Tokyo, said Friday that it closed the Kayabacho hotel named in the report once it learned of the falsified calculations.
Given the obvious nature of some of the reports’ deficiencies, it is unclear why no one - not eHomes, the developer, the local government, or the construction companies - failed to detect the falsified calculations in the first place. The Daily Yomiuri had a few choice words for the building industry in a Saturday editorial.
The Construction and Transport Ministry is reportedly ready to file a criminal complaint against Aneha on suspicion he violated the Building Standards Law. The ministry is also reportedly considering plans to take disciplinary action against eHomes. Some of the residents of the buildings said they also were thinking about filing a civil case against Aneha. However, the Tokyo government has stopped short of offering any special compensation or aid to render the buildings compliant to code.

News stories linked above are archived here.

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